Legal Updates

Legal Updates for June 2023

立杰亚洲 科技、媒体和电信区域法律资讯

Healthcare Services Act: Licensing Framework for Hospital and Ambulatory Care Services & Changes to Regulatory Framework wef 26 June 2023
On 26 June 2023, the Healthcare Services Act 2020 ("HCSA") was amended to implement the following key changes:

  1. Transitioning existing licensees offering hospital and ambulatory care services and specified services under the Private Hospitals and Medical Clinics Act ("PHMCA") to HCSA ("Phase 2 implementation of HCSA");
  2. Enhancing the regulatory regime governing healthcare services; and
  3. Ensuring greater clarity and transparency in healthcare services advertising.
The HCSA is being implemented progressively with licensees coming onboard HCSA in three phases, with: (1) Phase 1 implemented for clinical support services (e.g. laboratory, radiological) in January 2022; (2) Phase 2 implemented for various hospital and ambulatory care services and specified services (e.g. liposuction, endoscopy) on 26 June 2023; and (3) Phase 3 to be implemented for long-term care services and other specialised and new services (e.g. preventive health) by the end of 2023.

The second and third phases set out above are introduced in the Healthcare Services (Amendment) Act 2023 ("Amendment Act") which was passed in Parliament on 27 March 2023. The Amendment Act refines the HCSA to address developments which have an impact on the healthcare industry since the HCSA was enacted in 2020.

This Update provides a summary of the changes to the HSCA that have taken effect on 26 June 2023.

New Exemptions for Foreign Companies from Keeping Register of Members, Register of Registrable Controllers and Register of Nominee Shareholders
A foreign company that is registered under the Companies Act 1967 ("CA") is, unless exempted, subject to various disclosure requirements including:

  • Keeping a register of its members pursuant to section 379 of the CA; and
  • Keeping a register of its shareholders who are nominees and a register of its registrable controllers pursuant to Part 11A of the CA.
With effect from 28 June 2023, new exemptions from the above requirements are available to certain foreign companies subject to the fulfilment of prescribed conditions.

This Update briefly highlights these new exemptions and the key conditions for the exemptions to apply.

Revised Criteria for Computing 90% Threshold for Compulsory Acquisition under Companies Act w.e.f. 1 July 2023
The compulsory acquisition provision under section 215 of the Companies Act 1967 (“CA”) allows an acquiror ("acquiror") in a takeover offer who has acquired a very substantial number of shares in the target company (the "target company") to compulsorily acquire the shares of the minority dissenting shareholders. This allows the acquiror to convert the target company into a wholly-owned subsidiary, an important right if the objective of the takeover is to delist the target company. Section 215 of the CA provides that the acquiror is entitled to exercise the right to compulsorily acquire the shares of any dissenting shareholders in the target company when the takeover offer for all the shares in the target company has been approved by shareholders who hold at least 90% of the shares of the target company ("90% threshold requirement").

On 1 July 2023, section 215 of the CA will be revised to expand the scope of shareholders whose shares will be excluded from the computation of the 90% threshold requirement to, in broad terms, also cover shares owned by related parties who are controlled by the acquiror and shares owned by related parties who control the acquiror. This Update discusses these changes.

MOF Consults on Proposed Amendments to Income Tax Act
On 6 June 2023, the Ministry of Finance ("MOF") announced a public consultation on 33 proposed amendments to the Income Tax Act 1947 ("ITA") by way of the Income Tax (Amendment) Bill 2023 ("Bill"). The consultation covers:

  • 19 proposed amendments to implement tax measures announced in the 2023 Budget Statement; and
  • 14 proposed amendments arising from international tax developments and MOF's periodic review of Singapore's tax system.
The consultation will run from 6 June to 30 June 2023, and MOF will publish a summary of comments together with MOF's response in August 2023.

In this Update, we highlight key amendments that have been proposed. Out of all the proposed changes, the change that could perhaps have the most implications is the taxation of gains from the sale of foreign assets received in Singapore by businesses without economic substance in Singapore, which is detailed below.

New Disposable Carrier Bag Scheme under Resource Sustainability Act Comes Into Effect
Earlier this year, the Singapore Parliament passed several key legislative changes to the Resource Sustainability Act 2019, one of which is the introduction of the Disposable Carrier Bag Scheme which requires regulated retailers to impose a disposable carrier bag charge. On 26 May 2023, the Disposable Carrier Bag Scheme came into effect. Regulated retailers who have applied as a registered retailer prior to 1 June 2013 must note that their compliance requirements as a registered retailer will commence soon on 3 July 2023.

This Update outlines salient features of the new Disposable Carrier Bag Scheme and our comments on how they may impact your business and operations.

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